Choroidal Detachment Following Femtosecond Laser Assisted Cataract Surgery : A Case Report

Author Details

Dr. Prasanth Gireesh, Dr. R. Venkatesh, Dr. Bharath Gurani, Dr. Kirandeep Karur, Dr. Ashish Khodifad

Journal Details


Published: 27 December 2019 | Article Type :


Femtosecond laser assisted cataract surgery (FLACS) is a novel technology for cataract surgery. There have been reports and studies regarding the various complications of FLACS. The commonly reported complications of FLACS include suction loss, capsular block, incomplete capsulotomy, pupillary miosis and vitreous loss. We report a case of serous choroidal detachment following FLACS with phacoemulsification andtoric foldable intraocular lens. The choroidal detachment(CD)resolved after 1 week of conservative management. After extensive literature review, as per the best of our knowledge CD has not been reported after FLACS .

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How to Cite


Dr. Prasanth Gireesh, Dr. R. Venkatesh, Dr. Bharath Gurani, Dr. Kirandeep Karur, Dr. Ashish Khodifad. (2019-12-27). "Choroidal Detachment Following Femtosecond Laser Assisted Cataract Surgery : A Case Report." *Volume 2*, 2, 9-12